Accreditation of our Chiropractors

Accreditation of our chiropractors


All our chiropractors have a minimum 5 years tertiary education, are registered with the Chiropractic Registration Board of Australia, are Members of the CAA (Chiropractors Association of Australia) and attend yearly seminars to keep up with current research and treatment protocols.

We most commonly treat back pain, sciatica, neck pain, headaches, migraines, work and sports related injuries. Our chiropractors also treat many other conditions.


Our main focus as chiropractors is the nervous system as this is the Master Control Centre of the Body. The nerves that branch off the spinal cord leave the spine to reach all parts of the body. To do this the nerves must pass through tiny holes between the bones of the spine (intervertebral foramina). So if the spine’s biomechanics is not functioning normally it has the potential to trap and irritate the adjacent existing nerves. An irritated nerve will not perform its optimal best hence interfere with the proper communication (sensory and motor) between the brain and body.


Make an appointment at Chiropractor Melbourne or call us on (03) 9388 8237.